League of Stickman

The Ice one

When she was found alive in the snow in the middle of the night entire village thought it was a miracle as no one thought it would be possible that even a grown person would survive such harsh conditions let alone a small child.

What they didn’t know that Elizabeth Williams, name her foster parents gave, is actually Ice, one of the few Elementals sent to Sticks’ world to help them in the time of their greatest need.

Considering that it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that Ice was one of the first that heeded the desperate calls for help when apocalypse started. Along with her “brother” Arthur Kaufmann, Elemental of Flame, she is always where the greatest threat is decimating zombie horde with her innate powers of cold.

Sometimes hell is hot, but zombies will learn soon enough that with Elizabeth in question it can be cold as well.

Champion Description:

Elizabeth “Ice” Williams is what one would call a proper wizard. With impressive array of crowd control abilities and AoE spells she can decimate large swaths of opponents in a bat of an eye all the while staying relatively out of the harm’s way. All of that makes her a perfect choice for a player who wishes to brave the apocalypse alone as Ice can survive on her own without the need of tankier champions to guard her. Of course, if she is paired with one, Ice can dish out tremendous amounts of damage neglecting her CC.

Champion Skills:

Chilling Touch

Glamour of Ice

Girls Love Diamonds

Ultimate: Final Barrage

Kimberly Rose - Gun Rose

Since childhood Kimberly didn’t act as usual as a little girl would. She didn’t like to play with dolls. She didn’t want to wear pink and she regularly got into fist fights with boys of her age. 

Because of all of that her father started teaching her all the “boys’ things” - how to ride a horse, shoot a gun, survive in the wild and on her 18th birthday he gave her as a present two custom made Etrad .66 laser pistols.

Reports of zombies overrunning countries worldwide came as somewhat welcoming news to Kimberly Hernandez who sneaked out of the family ranch one night and went to prove herself and the world she can do what boys can do and more. Reckless behavior brought her to the center of the carnage where small bands of survivors lead by champions like Blade stood fast.

But don’t be deceived by Kimberly’s young age as she can draw guns as fast as legendary gunslingers of the old being able to shoot a fast moving target as far as 500 meters with astounding precision. That trait and beautiful appearance earned her nickname – Gun Rose.

Champion Description:

Kimberly “Gun Rose” Hernandez is a typical glass cannon champion. But what she lacks in health pool and armor she makes up for in speed and damage dealt as not many champions can dish out that much of pain upon the enemies in short time span. She is at her best when paired with tanky champion like Police X though with a bit of more careful play-style Gun Rose is viable in solo mode as well.

Champion Skills:


Bullet Time

Sound of the Big Guns

Ultimate: Pulse 9000

Profesor's Franken

Not much can be said about Franken save the fact that he is an android created by a famous professor John “Armstron” Mitchell. As an avid reader, professor Mitchell designed and named his android inspired by the name of the characters from his favorite book.


No matter that android project was failure simply because even an ingenious inventor like John couldn’t devise a method of producing small but strong enough power-source to sustain Franken. It was a sheer stroke of fate and what one would call a lucky accident that provided professor with the last thing he needed, thus Franken was born.

Intricate design, towering height paired with alien energy source lent by Flame hidden behind the name Arthur Kaufmann makes Franken a sight to behold. Even though Franken started as just an android it seems that Spark of Flame used to power him up has an unforeseen by-product as Franken started developing sentience.

Champion Description:

Because of a vast health pool and array of AOE damage abilities, Franken is an ultimate front line champions and excels in a role of a tank. Those things makes him a great first choice champion for new players. Two meters high and 200 kg heavy titanium and steel alloy doesn’t needs a weapon – he is a weapon. 

Champion Skills:

Power Throw

Titanium Hands

Charge of a Golem

Ultimate: Me Smash You Fly

John Mitchell the Armstron

At first sight, John Mitchell is what would one call a normal, usual professor. Deeply in love with books, wearing glasses and always with his face buried in the books dotted with endless lines of formulas. But in his spare time, professor Mitchell is also an ingenious inventor whose latest two inventions he is working on are incredible power-suit and android named Franken, homage to a character from a famous book.


No matter the level of ingenuity there was a matter of solving small but powerful enough source of power for those two inventions. Solution to the problem came after professor Mitchell witnessed laboratory accident and survival of another professor, Kaufmann. With his true origin revealed Kaufmann lent small portion of his life force known as Spark of Flame which allowed professor Mitchell to power up his inventions.

Since that day professor Mitchell was known as Armstron by the name of his power-suit, the same one that helped him become the famous zombie slayer in the dark days to come.

Champion Description:

Ultra-intelligent person in an ability enhancing suit he designed can only spell two things: fun and destruction and that’s what Armstron is all about. Set of damage heavy abilities coupled with an excellent screen cleaning move is surely going to earn Armstron a place among the legends. 

Champion Skills:

Elemental Forces Flame the Arthur Kaufmann

From time immemorial Elemental forces took interest in the world of Sticks. Among representatives sent to investigate Sticks’ habits and patterns of behavior was Flame who, for those purposes, took more appropriate name – Arthur Kaufmann. Under guise of chemistry professor of a renowned university, Flame blended in perfectly.

 Well, almost perfectly until a large mishap involving Arthur, chemicals, laboratory and explosions took place.

The only witness to a laboratory blowing up that would surely take life of a meagre Stick was professor Armstron. Forced to reveal his secret Flame instructed Armstron on his origins which prompted crafty professor to harness the newly acquired knowledge a power-suit and android known as Franken.

Soon after the accident news reports about zombie infestation around the world started pouring in and Flame mysteriously vanished from the university bound to use his Elemental skills in helping Sticks fend off imminent threat of destruction.

Champion Description:

Wielding fire, the strongest and the most dangerous of all elemental powers, Flame is surely a force to be reckoned with. Like with all destructive forces, Arthur “Flame” Kaufmann excels in offensive but still has some tricks up his sleeve if he is forced on the defense. Excellent choice for the beginner players and those who enjoy seeing their screens being cleared of enemies in the matter of seconds. 

Champion Skills:

Way of Salamander

Exorcism of Flame

Kitten’s Embrace

Ultimate: Floof of Murder

Gus of Astaria

A tall, muscular soldier, with thick dark brown hair and dead looking brown eyes. Gus excels at hand to hand combat and swordplay. He is somewhat serious, and often angry, though he never loses his calm in battle.

The Ledeaniel Dynasty
Lead by the Duke of Malcharm, the dynasty is mainly made up of various members of his family, with their retainers. The Duke was slighted by King Petar at a royal event, and never forgave him, so when the mad king of Astaria wanted to create unrest in the kingdom, the Duke was the perfect man to employ.

Gus’s king
King Petar is slightly shorter than Gus, with clear blue eyes that twinkle and long grey hair. He is a fair and just man, but does not see the trouble coming that destroys his kingdom. He has one daughter, his wife having died in childbirth.
Athy is a strong and passionate red haired woman. She is one of the world’s finest swordswomen – but is too easily defeated as she allows anger to cloud her judgement. She talks a lot and likes to get very drunk. The daughter of a farmer, murdered for the produce he was taking to market, she too has revenge to take.
The successful and wealthy Kingdom of Asteaweth was brought down from within by a sinister faction known as the Ledeaniel Dynasty. This group were working in conjunction with the king of Astaria, a small Kingdom in the nearby region of Thyx. King Petar and most of his elite bodyguard were killed during the coup and ensuing battle, and the following chaos all but destroyed the kingdom. Following this, the Kingdom was annexed by Astaria, and its population enslaved.
Gus, a member of the king’s elite bodyguard, managed to escape with his life, but was wounded and vowed revenge on the King’s murderers, and on the neighbouring Kingdom of Astaria. When he recovered from his wounds, he became a mercenary, selling his fighting skills to the highest bidder, but always trying to work towards his revenge, and to fight the evil forces tearing his world apart.
In his search for justice, he follows a trail of gold to the region of Thyx, which is being overrun by forces from the Shadowlands. He gains more skills as he goes on, constantly seeking out fights to sate his lust for revenge

Champion Skills: