Refund Policy

Unless otherwise provided in these Terms of Use or applicable law, all purchases made through our website are final and non-refundable, and no refunds are provided for any products. For any claims or damages that may arise from any payment or transaction you make through the website, please contact customer service for processing.

All orders on dreamsky are final, and no refunds will be given unless you have paid in full but have not received the order. Refunds are available as long as the virtual items covered by the order ("Purchased Products") have not been delivered or have been partially delivered.

Refunds will not be provided in the following situations: a) The buyer has verified and confirmed receipt of the order. b) Transactions conducted outside the dreamsky website. c) For direct top-ups, if an error or mistaken purchase occurs, we will not provide a refund. You must carefully read the product description and ensure that the game name, account name, and purchase amount are accurate before proceeding to the final checkout. We assume no responsibility for any errors or mistaken purchases you make due to negligence and/or providing false or incorrect information. d) Fraudulent claims. We reserve the right to take legal action and permanently suspend the accounts of buyers who make fraudulent claims. By purchasing any product from the dreamsky website, the buyer understands, acknowledges, and accepts the above exclusions.

Depending on the payment method used by the buyer, refunds may typically take up to 14 days to process. This is because banks do not usually complete refunds immediately, and the authorization hold on funds may take up to 14 days to expire.