Terms of Service

Update Date: January 17, 2024

Effective Date: January 17, 2024

This User Agreement and Top-Up Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is entered into by you and the top-up service platform (hereinafter referred to as "this Platform") operated by Xuchu Network Technology Co., Limited (Address:4G, Building 3, Chengying Center, Wangjing, Chaoyang District, Beijing) and its affiliated companies (hereinafter referred to as "the Company"); This Platform provides internet-based top-up, purchasing, and transaction services (hereinafter referred to as "Top-Up Services") in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement and the operational rules published from time to time. Please, to better provide Top-Up Services to users, it is important for the service user (hereinafter referred to as 'User' or 'You') to carefully read and fully understand this Agreement before beginning to use the Top-Up Services. Important contents such as clauses that waive or limit liability will be highlighted in bold to draw your attention; please read them carefully. If you autonomously choose to complete the top-up process following the page prompts, it is deemed that you have agreed to and accepted all the terms under this Agreement. If you disagree with this Agreement, please immediately stop the top-up process.

This Platform does not encourage minors to use the Top-Up Services. Minors should delegate their guardians to operate or operate with the explicit consent of their guardians; otherwise, please do not use the Top-Up Services.

Service Rules

This top-up service is an online top-up, purchase, provided by this Platform to you, including but not limited to the top-up, purchase, and transaction of digital goods such as game top-ups, game item purchases, point card transactions, CD-key purchases, gift card purchases (hereinafter referred to as "Goods").

The fee for the goods you top up will be charged by the Company . Each top-up method's corresponding channel provider may set relevant channel transaction fees according to their standards and collect them when users top up. Please pay attention to the service fees of each top-up method's channel provider and choose the top-up method based on your needs.

The platform advocates rational consumption. Please make purchases based on your actual needs. At the same time, during the top-up process, please carefully confirm the account you are topping up, and carefully select and/or enter the top-up account/account binding mobile number, top-up amount, and other related operation options. If losses are incurred due to incorrect account/account binding mobile number entered by you, incorrect amount, improper operation, lack of understanding, or not fully understanding the top-up billing method, leading to wrong account top-up, incorrect top-up amount, wrong choice of top-up type, etc., the resulting losses will be borne by you, and the Platform will not provide compensation or reimbursement.

Please ensure you use the official top-up methods designated by this Platform. If you utilize unauthorized or illegal methods for top-ups, the Platform does not guarantee that the top-up will be successful or correctly processed, which may also pose additional risks. If such actions result in damage to you or any third party's rights, you will be solely responsible for addressing and assuming the associated responsibilities. The Platform will not offer compensation or reimbursement. Additionally, the Platform reserves the right to at any time suspend part or all of your account privileges, temporarily or permanently ban your account, and/or prohibit you from using various top-up services.

If this Platform discovers processing errors caused by system failures or any other reason, whether advantageous to the Platform or to you, the Platform has the right to correct such errors. If this action results in you actually receiving fewer goods than you should have, the Platform will promptly credit the difference to your account after confirming the processing error. If the error results in you actually receiving more goods than you should have, regardless of the nature and cause of the error, the Platform has the right to directly deduct the difference from your account.

To better provide you with product services, the platform will collect and record the data generated from your purchasing and using goods on this Platform, including but not limited to your top-up orders. We may also collect and use your account information and email address in certain service features to provide you with services such as order progress tracking, customer service inquiries, and communication contacts.

When you choose to use a third-party account (such as Google, Vkontakte, etc.) for easier registration and login, we will access and collect your explicitly authorized personal information in directly (including avatar, nickname information in the third-party account, specifically based on the public information and permissions authorized by different third-party accounts). If you refuse to provide information under the third-party account, you will not be able to use the third-party account to register and log in.

When you use the top-up services under this Agreement, related payment services are provided to you by third-party payment institutions we collaborate with. Third-party payment institutions may need to collect your name, bank card type and number, expiration date, mobile number, and necessary consumption information on the platform to verify and process your financial settlement matters.

Declaration of Rights

You understand and agree that this top-up platform has the right to set related restrictions and reminders concerning transactions from time to time based on considerations of transaction security, operational strategies, and industry practices, including but not limited to transaction limits and the number of transactions.

If the top-up process involves services provided by third parties, in addition to complying with the terms of this Agreement, you must also agree to and comply with the agreements and related rules of such third parties. In any case, disputes arising from such third parties and their provided services shall be resolved by you and the third party directly, and this platform shall not bear any responsibility towards you or the third party.

For any loss or liability arising from errors in the goods top-up service due to reasons attributable to you, you shall bear sole responsibility. The platform shall not be liable, including but not limited to:

Losses due to the invalidity, loss, or suspension of your account;

Losses or liabilities caused by third-party payment institutions, banks, or other account reasons you have bound, including the use of unauthenticated accounts or accounts not belonging to you, and situations where your account is frozen or seized;

Financial losses caused by disclosing your password to others;

Property losses caused by your intentional misconduct or gross negligence.

You agree that the platform is not required to bear any liability for damages if you are unable to use the top-up services of this platform or if any of your virtual assets are lost due to the following situations, including but not limited to:

During system downtime for maintenance, upgrades, or adjustments announced by this platform;

Failures in telecommunications or equipment that prevent data transmission;

Due to force majeure factors such as typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, wars, terrorist attacks, government controls, etc., causing system obstacles that prevent the execution of business by this platform;

Service interruptions or delays caused by hacking attacks, technical adjustments or failures from the telecommunications department, website upgrades, issues with related third parties, etc.

You warrant that the funds used to purchase goods are your legal income and that you have full rights to use them in accordance with this agreement. Any disputes or conflicts arising from your violation of this clause shall be handled and resolved by you, bearing all responsibilities and legal consequences thereof. Furthermore, if the platform discovers (including but not limited to proactive discovery, receipt of third-party complaints, or notifications from authorities) the existence of the aforementioned reasons, it has the right to unilaterally decide to restrict your use of all or part of the purchased goods, suspend or terminate the provision of top-up services to you, or take further management measures against your account. If this causes losses to the platform, you shall fully compensate for them. Moreover, the platform reserves the right to retain relevant information and report to the relevant law enforcement/judicial institutions or authorities.

You must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to anti-money laundering, anti-fraud, anti-terrorism financing, and economic sanctions (“Anti-Money Laundering Laws”). You promise not to engage in any illegal activities such as money laundering through this service, nor to accept any illegal requests from others to use this service for money laundering. Should any unusual transactions occur through this service, the platform has the right to suspend your purchases, conduct investigations, and take other measures as required by Anti-Money Laundering Laws and/or regulatory authorities, without being liable for any loss or damage you may incur as a result. You confirm that the identity information and documents you provide to the platform are completely true and valid, and you are willing to assist and cooperate with regulatory investigations as required by law and the platform's requests.

Under no circumstances shall the platform be liable for any indirect, consequen tial, punitive, accidental, special, or exemplary damages. The total liability of the platform to you, for any reason or form of action, shall always be limited to the fees you have paid for using the top-up services provided by this platform.

Processing Rules

In the event of any of the following circumstances, the platform reserves the right to interrupt or terminate the network services provided under this Agreement at any time (without the need to notify you separately), and shall not bear any liability for any losses caused to you or any third party due to the interruption or termination of the top-up services:

The personal information you provided is not true;

You violate this Agreement, the management regulations for users by the goods provision platform or the goods use platform;

You purchase or use goods for illegal purposes.

When users use the top-up services provided by this platform, if there are any situations that are suspected of committing crimes, illegal or regulatory violations, violations of socialist moral customs, violations of this Agreement, or other management regulations for users by the platform, the platform has the right to decide to temporarily or permanently ban your account based on the nature and severity of your actions. After the account is banned until it is unbanned (if applicable), you are prohibited from continuing to purchase goods and/or services from this platform, and the cash value paid at the time of purchase will not be refunded.

Supplementary Provisions

In order to provide you with better services, or due to updates and changes in legal regulations, demands from regulatory authorities, and business operations, this Platform will timely revise the contents of this Agreement. Such revisions shall become effective immediately upon publication. The Platform will release the updated version through this Platform, and you can always check the latest version of the agreement terms through the Platform's website. If you continue to use the top-up services provided by this Platform after the revision of this Agreement, it will be considered that you agree to the revised agreement contents; otherwise, please stop immediately.

You understand and agree that the top-up services provided by this Platform are offered based on the current state of technology and conditions achievable. The Platform will make the utmost effort to provide you with the top-up services, ensuring the continuity and security of the top-up services. However, you also acknowledge and accept that the Platform cannot always or constantly foresee and prevent technical and other risks, including but not limited to service interruptions, inability to use the top-up services properly, and other losses and risks caused by force majeure, network reasons, third-party service defects, third-party websites, etc. Besides, apart from the aforementioned situations, the Platform reserves the right to interrupt, suspend, or terminate the top-up services under this Agreement at any time according to specific circumstances such as transaction security and operational planning, and will notify users through platform page announcements or other appropriate methods (without the need for separate individual notifications to you).

Any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement will be resolved through negotiation between the Platform and you.