Privacy Policy

Update Date: January 17, 2024

Effective Date: January 17, 2024

  1. Welcome to the products and services of Dreamsky (hereinafter referred to as "we"). To better protect your personal information, we recommend that you carefully read the "Privacy Policy" (hereinafter referred to as "this Privacy Policy"). We place great importance on the protection of your personal information and privacy. Therefore, we will protect your personal information in a reasonable and effective manner, in accordance with legal requirements and mature industry security standards.

  2. We are dedicated to protecting consumer privacy online. Please read and fully understand the entire content of this Privacy Policy before using our products and/or services. By using or continuing to use our products/services, you signify your agreement to our use and processing of your relevant information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy applies to all products and services of Dreamsky, including the Dreamsky official website, Android application, and all other terminal clients. Please note: if you or your legal guardian do not agree with any of the terms provided here, you should not install, access, and/or use the application and other services provided by Dreamsky . We request you to immediately delete the application from your mobile device or stop using our application/website through your browser, and you should not enter, connect, access, or use any services related to this application.

We need to specifically remind you: please understand and agree that we aim to provide you with perfected products and services. Therefore, we will continually improve our products and services, including technology. This means we might often introduce new business functions that may require collecting new personal information or change the purpose or manner of personal information use. If a function or product/service that requires collecting your personal information is not explained in this Privacy Policy, we will provide further explanations about the collection's purpose, content, usage method, and scope through policy updates, page prompts, pop-up windows, announcements, etc. We will also provide you with a way to choose to agree voluntarily and collect it after obtaining your explicit consent. During this process, if you have any doubts about related matters, you can contact us through the ways provided in this Privacy Policy, and we will answer you as soon as possible.

  1. How We Collect Your Personal Information

We collect and use the information you actively provide or generate from using our services in accordance with laws and regulations, following the principles of legality, legitimacy, and necessity. The collected information is used to provide services to you, optimize our services, and ensure the security of your account.

    1. When you register for a Dreamsky account, we collect your account nickname, avatar, mobile number, or email address (sensitive personal information, used for receiving verification codes to match personal identity). This information is used to assist you in completing the account registration, ensuring the security of your account, and providing you with continuous and stable services. If you only need to use functions like browsing and searching, you do not need to register as our user or provide the aforementioned information.

    2. Dreamsky supports logging in with third-party platform accounts (such as Google, Vkontakte, etc.). When you choose to log in with a third-party platform account, we will, under the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations, obtain related information under the third-party account (including: user ID, nickname, avatar) and identity verification information (sensitive personal information) according to your authorization. This information is used to bind with your Dreamsky account for quick login and to ensure the security of your account. If you refuse to authorize, you will only be unable to use the third-party platform account to log into Dreamsky, but it will not affect your normal use of other login methods.

    3. You should understand that your mobile number or email address and the result of the verification code matching are your sensitive personal information. We collect this type of information based on legal and regulatory requirements. If you refuse to provide this information, it may prevent you from registering an account and using related product features. Please consider carefully before deciding whether to provide this information.

    4. When you use our services, we will access the list of applications installed on your mobile device (obtaining information about the apps you have installed). This is done to assist you with organizing, updating, and upgrading games or applications.

    5. Before you use specific functions or services (such as downloading/purchasing games, posting content), to meet relevant legal requirements and ensure the safety of you or other users, we may require you to undergo identity verification. We will collect personal information that you actively provide. If you refuse to provide the aforementioned information, you will only be unable to use that specific function and/or service, but it will not affect your normal use of our other services.

    6. When you use the download function of Dreamsky, we need to obtain permission to access the storage files on your device, as we need to write related resource content to your terminal. If you refuse to grant authorization, you will only be unable to use this specific function, but it will not affect your normal use of our other features.

    7. When you use the search function of Dreamsky, we need to collect some of your information, which includes the following personal information: your device information, your log information, including the content you search for, your browsing history and timing, as well as the frequency and timing of your searches. We collect this information to quickly match you with the content you need and content you may be interested in, as well as to improve our products and services.

    8. When you use Dreamsky to purchase goods or services, we will directly or obtain from game manufacturers your transaction time, transaction number, name of the transaction subject, transaction amount, payment method, and transaction completion status. The above information will be used to ensure the security of your transaction, help you complete the transaction smoothly, facilitate your order inquiry, use after-sales and dispute resolution services, and may also be used for copyright protection of the products you purchase.

    9. When you copy and paste information in Dreamsky, we will request to use your clipboard to read the contents, including passwords, share codes, links, etc., to help you efficiently and conveniently perform functions or services such as jumping to different sections, sharing, and more. We only recognize the content of the clipboard locally and will not upload the information from your clipboard to our servers.

    10. When you use the bookmarking feature in Dreamsky, we will collect your bookmarked content, bookmarking records, and the time of bookmarking. This is to help you manage your preferences and provide a more effortless browsing experience. You also have the option to delete any content you have bookmarked at any time.

    11. When you use the dynamic features of Dreamsky, such as uploading pictures or posting comments, we will request your authorization for accessing your photo album/storage permissions, depending on the specific type of function you use. You also have the option to delete any dynamic content you have posted at any time. If you refuse to grant authorization, it will only prevent you from using that specific feature, but it will not affect your normal use of our other functions.

    12. When Dreamsky is running in the background and you need access to certain features, you can authorize us to use notification permissions. This enables you to view real-time updates such as the download progress of Dreamsky games. If you refuse to grant authorization, it will only prevent you from using that specific feature, but it will not affect your normal use of our other functions.

    13. The third-party services within our service are provided by external third-party entities. We are unable to access the information generated during your use of such third-party services, so we ask you to carefully read the privacy policies of these third-party services. However, when you use your Dreamsky account to log in to these third-party services, we will obtain the name of the third-party service you logged into and the login time, to facilitate your management of authorizations.

    14. In order to provide you with content recommendations and advertising services, we will collect information such as your account ID, device identifiers (including AndroidID, OAID, IDFA, CAID), product version identifiers, network connection mode, mobile operator name, device brand, device model, IP address, and software usage records. This information is gathered to offer you content and advertisements that might interest you and to enhance your product and service experience. It also helps us improve our data analysis and advertising capabilities.

    15. To enhance your experience of browsing content and to reduce ineffective and false information, we engage in device risk and fake traffic identification, marketing risk identification, and anti-fraud detection. For these purposes, we collect information such as your device identifiers (including AndroidID, IMSI, OAID, ICCID, device serial number), device system information and settings, device brand, device model, device settings, basic device configuration, battery information, sensor information, list of installed applications, running processes, network base station information, WLAN access points (such as BSSID), list of mobile network cards, network connection mode, mobile operator name, MAC address, product version identifier, and software usage records.

    16. Individual device-related information, location information of the device, and software usage records are not capable of identifying specific natural persons. If we combine such non-personal information with other information to identify specific natural persons, or use it in conjunction with personal information, then during the period of combined use, this type of non-personal information will be regarded as personal information. Except for obtaining your authorization or as otherwise provided by laws and regulations, we will anonymize and de-identify this type of information.

  1. How We Store Your Personal Information

    1. All the information you provide is stored on our secure servers. This is done to protect your personal data from unauthorized or illegal processing, accidental loss, or damage.

    2. Generally speaking, we only retain your personal information for the shortest time necessary to achieve the intended purposes. However, we may adjust the storage time of personal information in the following situations:

  • To comply with applicable laws, regulations, and other related provisions, or when we have reasons to believe it is necessary to comply with legal and regulatory requirements;

  • To comply with court judgments, rulings, or other legal procedures;

  • To enforce related service agreements or this Privacy Policy, to maintain public interest, and to reasonably protect the personal safety and property or other legal rights of our customers, us, our affiliates, other users, or employees.

After exceeding the necessary storage period, we will delete or anonymize your personal information in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.

In the event that our products or services cease operation, we will notify you through push notifications, announcements, etc., and will delete or anonymize your personal information within a reasonable period.

  1. How We Use Your Personal Information

We will strictly use the information obtained in accordance with laws, regulations, and agreements made with you for the following purposes:

    1. We will provide you with basic services and optional additional services. For example, we will use the IP address assigned to your device to send you requested data and content. When our systems experience malfunctions, we will record and analyze the information generated during system failures to optimize our services. The additional services we offer may also involve personalized features, such as language switching and customization of your preferences.

We may also, for reasonable purposes to improve our products or services, use the information obtained through certain services, in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, for additional services including but not limited to displaying personalized content or advertisements to you, conducting user research analysis and statistics, and protecting user rights. For example, we may use your browsing history, search records, and other information obtained while using our services to display and recommend games or services that you may find interesting.

    1. To protect our own and users' personal and property safety from harm, to better prevent fraudulent activities, abuse, security risks, and technical issues, and to more accurately identify violations of laws, regulations, or platform-related agreements, we will utilize information to assist in enhancing the security and reliability of our services.

To ensure the safety of our services and help us better understand the operation of our application, we may also record relevant information, such as your device information (such as device model, operating system version, etc.), location information of your device (such as IP address, etc.), and browsing behavior information (such as search content, browser type, access date, etc.). However, we will not combine the information stored in our analytics software with your personally identifiable information provided in the application.

If we use your personal information for purposes not stated in this privacy policy, we will notify you again and obtain your explicit consent before using your personal information for those additional purposes.

  1. How do we protect your personal information

We will provide safeguards for the security of your information to prevent loss, improper use, unauthorized access, or disclosure of information. To do so, we will implement reasonable security measures (primarily including technical and managerial measures) to protect your personal information.

    1. Utilizing encryption technology to ensure the confidentiality of data transmission

    2. Providing multiple security features to protect the security of your account

    3. Employing reasonable and feasible methods such as de-identification and anonymization to protect your personal information

    4. Employing trusted protection mechanisms to prevent malicious attacks on data

    5. Establishing data processing and access systems to prevent unauthorized access to our systems

  1. How we use Cookies and related technologies

Usage of Cookies

To fulfill your personalized online experience needs and provide you with a smoother browsing experience, we may send one or more small data files called Cookies to your computer or mobile device. We send Cookies to simplify the steps of your repeated logins, store your browsing preferences for easy access, optimize the presentation of advertisements, and assist us in determining your login status as well as account or data security.

Most browsers provide users with the functionality to clear browser cache data. You can perform the necessary data clearing operation or adjust the acceptance level of Cookies or reject our Cookies. However, please be aware that these modifications may prevent you from using services or functionalities that rely on Cookies.

  1. How we share, transfer, and disclose your personal information

    1. Share

We value the protection of your personal information, which is an essential basis and component of the products and/or services we provide to you. We collect and use your personal information strictly within the purposes and scope stated in this privacy policy or as required by laws and regulations, and we maintain strict confidentiality.

In order to offer you more comprehensive and high-quality products and services, some of our services will be provided by authorized partners. We may share some of your personal information with these partners to enhance customer service and user experience. We only share your personal information for legitimate, reasonable, necessary, specific, and explicit purposes, and we only share the personal information necessary to provide the services. Furthermore, we require our partners to sign strict confidentiality agreements, mandating that they handle your personal information in accordance with our instructions, this privacy policy, and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Our partners are not authorized to use the shared personal information for any other purposes. If you refuse to allow our partners to collect the necessary personal information to provide the services, it may result in your inability to use third-party services on our platform. Our partners typically fall into the following categories:

  • Service providers that offer functional support for our products and/or services: For example, third-party companies that provide delivery services and other service providers that offer content distribution services. We share information with them solely to fulfill the functionalities of our products and/or services.

  • Third-party SDK service providers: Our products may include third-party SDKs or similar applications. When you use such services provided by third parties on our platform, you agree that they will collect and process your information directly (e.g., through embedded code or plugins).

You should understand that many of our services allow you to share relevant information with others, and you can control the way you share it. You can delete information that you have publicly shared in accordance with the settings in our services or the guidelines we provide. However, please note that we do not assume responsibility for the disclosure of your personal information to others resulting from your voluntary sharing and disclosure activities.

    1. Transfer

Unless we obtain your explicit consent, we will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization, or individual. In the event of a merger, acquisition, or bankruptcy liquidation, there may be a transfer of personal information. In such cases, we will require the new entity holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. If there are any changes to the collection or processing of personal information as specified in this privacy policy, the company or organization will seek your authorization and consent again.

    1. Disclosure

Public disclosure refers to the act of releasing information to the public or to an unspecified audience. Except for necessary disclosures related to penalties for violations, fraudulent activities, publication of winners' lists, and other essential matters, we will not publicly disclose your personal information. If there are reasonable grounds for public disclosure, we will inform you of the purpose and types of information to be disclosed (including the content of sensitive information if it involves your personal sensitive information) before making the disclosure. We will only proceed with public disclosure after obtaining your authorized consent, except as otherwise provided by applicable laws and regulations or as stipulated in this policy.

Please be aware that, according to legal regulations, sharing, transferring, or disclosing de-identified personal information in a way that ensures the data recipient cannot reverse the process and re-identify the data subject does not constitute the sharing, transfer, or public disclosure of personal information. Therefore, there is no need to notify you separately or obtain your consent for the storage and processing of such data.

  1. How do you manage your personal information

    1. Accessing Personal Information

  • After entering Dreamsky, click on the personal center button in the lower right corner.

    1. Changing Personal Information

  • After entering Dreamsky, click on the personal center button in the lower right corner.

  • Click on "Avatar"/"Nickname" to change your avatar/nickname.

    1. Logging Out

  • After entering Dreamsky, click on the personal center button in the lower right corner.

  • Click on the settings button in the upper right corner.

  • Click on "Log Out".

  1. Third Party Ad Networks and Social Networks

We expects its partners, advertisers to respect the privacy of our users. However, third parties, including our partners, advertisers and other content providers accessible through our site, may have their own privacy and data collection policies and practices. During your visit to our site you may link to, or view as part of a frame on our page, certain content that is actually created or hosted by a third party. You may be introduced to, or be able to access, information, Web sites, advertisements, features, contests or sweepstakes offered by other parties. We is not responsible for the actions or policies of such third parties. You should check the applicable privacy policies of those third parties when providing information on a feature or page operated by a third party.

While on our site, our advertisers, promotional partners or other third parties may use cookies or other technology to attempt to identify some of your preferences or retrieve information about you. For example, some of our advertising is served by third parties and may include cookies that enable the advertiser to determine whether you have seen a particular advertisement before. Through features available on our site, third parties may use cookies or other technology to gather information. We does not control the use of this technology or the resulting information and is not responsible for any actions or policies of such third parties.

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use non-personal information (i.e., information that does not include your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in an effort to provide advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. To learn more about third-party advertising or to opt-out of such advertising, you can visit both the Network Advertising Initiative and the Digital Advertising Alliance. For instance, we utilize advertising services like Google AdSense on our website,you can customize the Google Display Network ads by using the Google Ad Preferences Manager and learn more about how google serves ads by viewing its Customer Ads Help Center.

  1. Protection of Minors

We place great importance on the protection of personal information of minors. According to the relevant laws and regulations, if you are a minor, you should read and agree to this privacy policy together with your guardian, under their supervision and guidance, before using our services.

    1. We will only collect, store, use, share, transfer, or disclose the personal information of minors when permitted by law, with explicit consent from the guardian of the minor, or when necessary to protect the interests of minors. If you are the guardian of a minor and have any questions regarding the personal information of the minor you supervise, please contact us through the contact information provided in this privacy policy.

    2. While definitions of children may vary under different national/regional laws and customs, we consider anyone under the age of 14 as a child. If we discover that we have collected personal information from a child without obtaining verifiable parental consent beforehand, we will promptly delete the relevant data.

  1. How this policy is updated

In order to provide you with better services, we may update the content of this privacy policy from time to time based on product updates and relevant legal requirements.

However, without your explicit consent, we will not diminish the rights you should enjoy under the currently effective privacy policy.

If such updates result in a substantial impairment of your rights under this privacy policy, we will notify you through prominent notices on the page, by sending you emails, or through other means before the updated privacy policy takes effect. If you continue to use our services, it means that you have fully read, understood, and agreed to be bound by the updated privacy policy.

  1. Scope of Application

This privacy policy applies to all products or services we provide, including but not limited to our website services, applications, etc. However, if a specific product or service has its own privacy policy, that specific privacy policy will take precedence.

Please note that this privacy policy does not apply to:

  • Products or services included in or linked to our products or services that are provided by third parties. These products or services are operated by third parties, and you are subject to the third-party privacy policy (rather than this privacy policy) when using such products or services. You should carefully read the privacy policy presented by the third party and securely provide your personal information.

  • Products or services provided to you by other entities, not by Dreamsky . For example, when you use a Dreamsky account to log in to services provided by other companies or individuals.

  1. Contact Us

We welcome your feedback and thank you for using Dreamsky. If you have any other questions or need more information about our privacy policy, you can contact us through any of the following methods:

  • You can find "Feedback" in the Dreamsky settings page to contact us or submit feedback through Dreamsky social media accounts.

  • You can reach out to us or submit your feedback by emailing our official email:

We will respond to your feedback and suggestions as soon as possible, within 15 working days after verifying your user identity.